For a definition of personality for me is a character of yourself from behaviour and The quality or condition of being a person.
Our Self-Concept is made up of our self-esteem and our self-image
- The sum total of the ways in which we think about ourselves
- How highly we think about our abilities and our self.
- How we view our self based on others reactions to us.
A Positive Self-Concept
A positive self-concept helps us in life – how we behave and act with others.
A positive self-concept generally makes us feel happier.
Influences to Self-Concept
Self-concept changes as we get older.
Younger children are limited to descriptions of themselves, like boy/girl, size etc.
Older children can provide much more detailed descriptions; hair and eye colour, address, shoe size etc.
Self concept can be explained in terms of beliefs, likes and dislikes, relationships.
Adults can explain themselves in terms of quality of life and their personality.
Older adults may have developed even more self knowledge and developed ‘wisdom’.
By the age of 10 or 12 we begin to compare ourselves to others. If we think we look good we have a positive self-image
Last week, did anyone write anything about appearance for their celebrity? What did you write?
The important thing is we feel positive about the way we look. We can easily develop a negative self image and this can lead to a lack of confidence or to feel depressed about our relationships with other people.
How would being a model affect someone’s self-concept?
How does how we dress affect our self-concept?
Very early in life we know if we are a boy or a girl. How does this affect our self-concept and our lives?
There are different social expectations of men and women
Girls tend to do much better at school than boys, but boys do better at higher education. Why is this?
Gender affects the type of employment we go for.
Women are more likely to interrupt their careers to look after children.
Different people have different customs and different ways of thinking. Your family or community may have different beliefs and expectations from other families and communities.
These influences affect the way we think and are called ‘cultural influences’. Different cultures have different views of what is normal or right and wrong.
Cultural Influences and Norms
Most British people wont eat frog’s legs, snails or horse meat.
Parents who do not smoke will discourage their children from smoking.
People with a strong religious belief may teach their children that sex before marriage is wrong.
People from ethnic minority groups are more likely to live in an extended family.
What you think of as important, or right or wrong, will be influenced by the norms of the people around you.
Your self-esteem will be influenced by cultural beliefs about what is right or wrong.
According to the culture of their country, women may have to wear certain clothing.
How do you think this affects their self-concept?
I done my own personality test here are the results:

From the results it says
...This means:
Warm sociable people who are keenly in tune with other’s feeling & perspectives
Well defined value systems can make them inflexible in some areas.
Wants vs Needs
A need is something you have to have
My example.
Ice cream is a want. You don't really need to eat ice cream to survive. You can eat it to get some vitamins and minerals, but other foods like cheese and yoghurt give you more of those same vitamins and minerals without giving you the fat that ice cream does. Still, ice cream tastes good to many people. They like to eat it. They want it, but they don't need it. They like it, but they don't have to have it to survive.
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