First impressions

By Omid on 15:02

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This will be my first impressions on blogging at the end of the blogging period I then after would do my final thoughts about blogging.

The Course
The course is about understanding the customer yeah that's about it....okay lets put it in detail what I will be talking about in my blogs as you shall be reading them. So let's see what I understand as a customer to understand what I am writing about these blogs.... Baffled a bit?
-How customers choose their products why they choose them. Also what business in the target markets the people who they do it from different age groups different groups ect.

-Different meaning of advertising relating to the specific target group. How they liked to see the advert what makes them buy the product. 

-The different advertising groups and markets for example you would not sell a emo a Hip-Hop CD!

-The different groups and class of people and how businesses differ when advertising specifically to them. For example lower class can't afford Waitrose and Upper class would not shop at Lidl.

-The different use of languange and images in order to stimulate different groups of people and genders. To show the groups of a more understanding.

What are blogs?
A blog is a website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on posts.

What I want from my blogging experience?
For me I people to see my views and it will show what kind of person I am my likes dislikes....My strengths my weaknesses I want to see. I also like reading reviews so this gets me inform for the next DVD I will by on the internet I shall know how to review as I am reviewing this subject in this blog. Maybe I'll make my own Twitter after this as Facebook is boring now days.

Famous Blogs
Well I don't know any famous blogs but I tell you that I follow celebrity's blogs to see what concert or if a new music video is out so I can watch when I am bored as I am into music but there is no career for me in music.

So what will make my blog successful
-Write frequently and are well written
-To have consistency
-To have an easy to read and well designed blog
-Easy to use
-Have varied topics which too need to make sense
-To be open
-To be responsive
-to be aware of its audience
-To be Honest
-To be funny

Why do people blog?
Many people blog for hobbies as its fun and get feedback with your friends or fans of your site. sharing opinions as people could be shy to say one on one. People could also blog because of they can't get a job at the moment so they blog which sponsors will give them money to advertise on their site as the company see's this person is becoming successful.

Business Blogging
I only know two blogging websites which are Twitter and Gizmodo. As I have already talked about Twitter I will talk about Gizmodo. Gizmodo is a technology weblog about consumer electronics. for example. The new Iphone got leaked on that website and millions of people was on their site signing up wanting to see this and will comment that will make their website hits go up! So if they are smart they could sell the site before Apple will sue them but hey its been a couple of days so I thinks its good bye Gizmodo....And its bye for me for now!

PS this is the new iphone:Iphone

1 comments for this post

proof read - some of this is rather difficult to follow

Posted on Thursday, April 29, 2010  

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