This is based on:
- Peoples likes dislikes from pre development.
- Social icons for example role models.
- Behaviour
For me I am a individual as a Chelsea fan I will go to a Fulham football match also I don't like groups I rather be a person who just knows a lot of people but can arrange something to be in their group for a night out. I think I adapt to groups well as I am calm and like to have a laugh but can be serious when they have to be. In a group I would be a leader as I am small i always like to prove i can be better then anyone to! Also I like a challenge....
Source Kotler
Different groups will have different rules like the way they dress, the attitude, behaviour and also the language they use to talk to each other like a code.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs!
Hierarchy of five human motivational needs arranged by ascending order of importance, developed by Abraham Maslow. The five ascending needs are (1) physiological, (2) safety, (3) social, (4) esteem, and (5) self-actualisation. Only unsatisfied needs are motivators. Once a need is satisfied, the next level emerges as a motivation.
In the job sector marketing and advertising use belonging’ as a pivotal message in ad campaigns. by making you feel a sense of belonging when you see something which you believe is representing you on screen, than you will feel less reluctant to purchase the product or service. This way of marketing is easier to approach as we all know that it is simpler and more beneficial to sell.
Peer Pressure
When ageing we are set new challenges and decision making. Making decisions can be right but also you can lose having not choose the right answer to life. Making life decisions is hard and should not be influenced but sometimes are. The peer pressure gets to most people like cheating on a test because your mate is or bunking school because all your mates are and if you don't get bunk you get bullied. Peer pressure will mostly happen to young people but this is apart of growing up. When spending to much time with someone can cause to be like the person dressing the same and also acting the same if thou you might come from a different background.
1 comments for this post
good so far but check the beginning of this posting for typos. Can you find some examples of advertising to illustrate this topic?