Tweens are in the age group 6-12 years old. They are not under a main category like kids teenagers and adults. Very easy to market to, will usually follow any fashion trend set for them, will most likely go through the phase of 'finding themselves' as they 'grow up'. Teens are easy to be influenced and also like to have their own group.
There is growing concern about sexualisation of "tweenies" - youngsters between childhood and the teenage years - via the Internet, magazines, clothes, music, TV and cosmetic products
The Times.
Tweens ARE:
Tweens like things that will make them look older like make up,hand bags also love their mobile as that as they will get there 1st mobile and loves to customise it with girly stuff diamonds,fluffy covers pics of their mates and their ring tone will be the latest song out by usher or soulja boy. (pop/chart music)
The boys will be interested in Games like Play-stations x box and also going to out with their mates for example going to a place called goals where you can play football tournament also get excited when birthdays come up so they go Thorpe park ect.
At this present time girls like watching movies and programs such as High school musical and Glee as they relate to Tweens because of life issues....The boys will watch The Simpson's and South Park as it is funny and the characters are the same age as them so they can relate to them.
Tweens are more demanding money for the stuff they want to buy like toys,top up,clothes and general going out money.
As i watched South park and MTV and Disney channels i see they want the latest stuff like
Latest fashion has to be brands
The best gadgets like PS3 and phones and the lasted Nintendo DS
At school they want to be the most stylist so they gotta have the best bag and not ugly shoes.
Best Birthdays
Also their room has to be decorated the way they want it with the accessories they want in their room.
As they love shopping they here are the shops they are most likely to go into
- Claires
- Primark
- Game
- New Look
- JD Sports
Key themes
According to Mintel the digital revolution is a BIG impact with Tweens and using social networking such as Bebo so they can do quizzes about who they have a crush on or their idols or favourite artists and best friends.
When reading a article doing research on Tweens it says in The Independent that they spend lots of money on magazines films music and fashion they are worth 3.1billion a year.
Sales of tween magazines are worth around £1.6m per month, but titles such as Cosmo Girl, Girl Talk and Bliss are regularly criticised for their frank, sexual content. In 2004 teachers called for age limits on the magazines after Sugar published a 12-page feature in partnership with the condom manufacturer Durex.
Hollywood has long known the value of the market, churning out a stream of movies aimed at the eight- to 13-year-old audience. Films featuring pubescent actresses such as Hilary Duff include Agent Cody Banks and The Lizzie McGuire Movie. Tween icons Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are said to be worth £79m each.
The UK market in children's clothing and accessories is estimated at more than £5bn a year. Bhs, Asda, Argos and Next have been criticised for marketing thongs, padded bras, mini-skirts and other sexually inappropriate clothes. Woolworths, M&S and Boots have introduced accessory and make-up lines targeting the market.
British youngsters aged between eight and 16 are reported to be spending as much as £50m a month on music downloads and CDs. Girls Aloud, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears are all tween idols, despite - or perhaps because of - the overtly sexual nature of their lyrics.
Would you buy your kid this (lol) laugh out loud
Advertising to Tweens
From the adverts that i see on TV aiming at tweens i think they are still in good continence as their are no nudity and fighting or swearing that the Tweens could pick up. I think fast foods should not be able to advertise in peek times when they watch TV. Toys are okay to see what they want but I don't think make up should be advertise in the Tween hours as they are to young to use make up. Also i think Games for the boys like Call of Duty which has lots of killing guns stabbings in which should not be allowed to be shown.
The marketers make it fun by bright colours,funny cartoon character's, bold and funny texts to attract the the tweens. as this is a big market because all they do is want to buy spend money this is good for the marketers.
1 comments for this post
Good to see so much secondary research here but wtch for typos. Try to summarise some of this into a "so what does this mean for marketers" type paagraph. Don't forget the academic reading in Solomon too